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Public meetings about new developments attract the most vocal opponents, even if most people are happy to welcome their new neighbours. However, your courageous voice can have a huge impact at public meetings.


Toronto City Council

Do you want to learn more about the services the City provides to support people experiencing or who are at risk of experiencing homelessness? Visit the Shelter, Support and Housing Administration website to familiarize yourself with the services available to people experiencing homelessness and housing instability.

Find information about the City of Toronto Council and Committees here. Visit the 'Have Your Say' section for ways to make your voice heard. Read more...

Items of note:

2017.CD19.6 - Proposed New Engagement and Planning Process for Emergency Shelters



The 20,000 Homes Campaign is a national movement of communities working together to permanently house 20,000 of Canada’s most vulnerable homeless people by July 1, 2018.

Do you want to learn more about the services the City provides to support people experiencing or who are at risk of experiencing homelessness? Visit the Shelter, Support and Housing Administration website by clicking on the image to the right to familiarize yourself with the services available to people experiencing homelessness and housing instability